Beranda Statistik edition about the Passenger and Freight Transportation Survey at the Terminal - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Regency

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Beranda Statistik edition about the Passenger and Freight Transportation Survey at the Terminal

Beranda Statistik edition about the Passenger and Freight Transportation Survey at the Terminal

December 23, 2024 | BPS Activities

Meeting my uncle in Jakarta
While carrying mangoes
There is interesting and meaningful content
What else if it's not Home content

Hello data friends, back again in the content Meet uncle in Jakarta
While carrying mangoes
There is interesting and meaningful content
What else if it's not Home content

Hello data friends, back again in the content of News and Information About Statistics (BERANDA), this edition discusses about the Passenger and Freight Transportation Survey at the Terminal. What are the conditions on the field? Let's just watch the reportage video.

Healthy greetings and encouragement.

BPS Pasuruan Regency United, Moving, Working, and Achieving💪

Stay tuned for the Home edition of Statistics, Friends. What are the conditions on the field? Let's just watch the reportage video.

Stay tuned for the Home Statistics edition, friends.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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