Friday (20/12) DWP BPS Pasuruan Regency held a "Talkshow and Health Screening" activity together with the Health Extension Officer of the Health Center of Winongan District, Mrs. Stephani Vinda Novianti, SKM and the Advanced Nurse of the Health Center of Winongan District, Nurse Villa Leonanda, S.Kep.
The talk show was held in commemoration of the 25th DWP Anniversary.
With the theme "Healthy Food in the Rainy Season", Mrs. Veve explained the importance of maintaining nutritional balance through the food we consume every day. The Ministry of Health encourages and campaigns related to balanced nutrition through the Isi Piringku program where in one plate every meal, half of the plate is filled with vegetables and fruits, while the other half is filled with staple foods and side dishes. In addition to maintaining balanced nutrition through appropriate food portions, Mrs. Veve also said to always control the daily consumption of GGL (Sugar, Salt, and Fat). Excessive consumption of GGL can increase the risk of various diseases, such as:
Obesity, Diabetes, Heart disease, High blood pressure, Stroke, Kidney disease, Nervous disorders.
The Talkshow activity ended with the enthusiasm of DWP members to take part in health screening by Nurse Vinda where blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and gout were checked.
Hopefully, the increased insight after this talk show can help DWP members to be more sensitive to maintaining a healthy diet to stay healthy even in the rainy season.