Every year, BPS Pasuruan Regency prepares the publication In Figures which is a publication that presents various types of data sourced from BPS and sectoral data. In fact, the role of sectoral data in this publication is dominant, namely around 70 percent. In order to finalize the data compiled by data producers at the regional level so that data asymmetry does not occur in the future, on Tuesday (13/2), BPS Pasuruan Regency collaborated with the Regional Government of Pasuruan Regency to hold a Focus Group Discussion.
This activity took place in the Maslahat Building, Mpu Sindok room in the Pasuruan Regency government office area and was attended by around 42 K/L/D/I.
The event was opened directly by the Regional Secretary of Pasuruan Regency, Mr. Yudha Triwidya Sasongko, S.Sos, M.Si. In his speech he emphasized the importance of accurate data as a basis for development planning. To create accurate data, of course it must comply with SDI principles. He also emphasized on eliminating sectoral egos between agencies and strengthening collaboration to realize One Data in Pasuruan Regency.
On this occasion, appreciation certificates were also handed over to 3 agencies that were responsive and timely in collecting the 2024 DDA data which were handed over directly by the Regional Secretary accompanied by the Head of Pasuruan Regency BPS.
The event continued with presentation of material and discussion by presenting 2 expert speakers in their fields, namely Mr. Ridwan Harris, S. STP, M. Si (Head of DISKOMINFO Pasuruan Regency) and Mr. Henry S. Handoko (Intermediate Statistician of BPS Pasuruan Regency). The interesting material presented by the two speakers sparked discussion from the participants who attended, guided by moderator Mrs. Dewi Mayasari, S.Si, M.E. (BPS Youth Statistics Pasuruan Regency).
In this activity, sectoral statistical guidance was also provided to participants. At the end of the event, assistance was provided regarding filling out Recommendations for Statistical Activities (ROMANTIC), with the hope that OPD understands and understands the flow and mechanism in submitting ROMANTIK for the statistical activities it carries out.
#Sectoral Development