Regional Instructor Training Wilkerstat Geospatial Framework & Load Updating ST2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Regency

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Regional Instructor Training Wilkerstat Geospatial Framework & Load Updating ST2023

Regional Instructor Training Wilkerstat Geospatial Framework & Load Updating ST2023

February 8, 2022 | BPS Activities

BPS East Java Province held a Regional Instructor Training in the context of UPDATING THE WILKERSTAT ST2023 WILKERSTAT FRAMEWORK AND CONTENT IN 2022 (8-10/2). As we know, the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) will be carried out again by BPS in 2023. In preparing for ST2023 activities, BPS will update the master framework as a planning basis for the ST2023 implementation.
In 2022, the Wilkerstat ST2023 Geospatial Framework Update is held which aims to update the agricultural geospatial framework, namely in the form of areas/land that have agricultural potential; and updating wilkerstat maps and content to the smallest local environmental unit (SLS) and census block (BS) levels, as the basis for the implementation of ST2023.
This training consists of 8 (eight) classes with National Instructors consisting of 6 Innas from the Provincial BPS, and Innas from the Central BPS, with a total of 214 participants. The existence of this training activity is expected to be the beginning for the success of the Wilkerstat ST2023 Geospatial Framework Update Activity as a whole.
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