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Regional Instructor Training for Village Potential 2021 East Java Province
May 18, 2021 | BPS Activities
"We must work together to build a just and equitable Indonesia, build an Indonesia-centric manner by building from the village," President Joko Widodo stated during his speech in the context of the 92nd Youth Pledge Day.
Building a village must be based on appropriate and accurate supporting data, data collection on Village Potential is one of the efforts to photograph the condition of all villages in Indonesia.
Taking place virtually, the BPS of East Java Province carried out training for Village Potential Regional Instructors from 18 May 2021 to 21 May 2021.
It was opened directly by the Head of BPS for East Java Province, Dr. Dadang Hardiwan, S.Si., M.Sc. The data from the village potential data collection is expected to help the government to realize a fair and equitable development in Indonesia, because the results from the village potential data collection will also be used to calculate the Geographic Difficulty Index which is also used as an allocator for the amount of the Village Fund.