BPS Wins "Good" Predicate for the Implementation of e-Government - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Regency

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BPS Wins "Good" Predicate for the Implementation of e-Government

BPS Wins "Good" Predicate for the Implementation of e-Government

April 8, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - BPS was awarded at the 2018 Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) Evaluation of Results which was initiated by the Indonesian Ministry of PANRB, (28/3). BPS was awarded the title "Good" for the level of Non-Ministry Government Institutions.

The event which took place at the Birawa Assembly Hall Hotel Bidakara was attended by the Ministers of the Work Cabinet, heads of agencies / institutions / regions, Deputy Police Chief, and the police chiefs. Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla presented the award. "My hope in this event is not just to appreciate the ministries / institutions, the provincial government, and the regional governments that get awards. But, how then can they socialize to the community and finally be able to get a good system for the efficiency of our services to the community and also the progress of our nation, "said JK.

The PANRB Ministry together with the National SPBE Coordination Team consisting of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Ministry of PPN / Bappenas, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, and the State Cyber ​​and Code Agency will develop SPBE policies that will become guidelines in development Integrated SPBE.

To find out the maturity level of the implementation of SPBE, also known as e-government, the PANRB Ministry has carried out the SPBE evaluation for the first time in 2018. The evaluation of the SPBE was carried out on 616 central agencies, the National Police and the local government. There are still a number of local governments that have not yet been evaluated because of natural disasters and bad internet connections.

The stages of SPBE evaluation included socialization of SPBE evaluation, independent evaluation, evaluation of documents, interviews, and field observations. To get an objective and independent evaluation of SPBE, the PANRB Ministry works with five universities, namely the University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Surabaya State Electronic Polytechnic, Telkom University, and Gunadarma University.

From the results of the SPBE evaluation, the government obtained baseline data on the implementation of the national SPBE which will be used in policy formulation and the determination of the strategic direction of the development of SPBE that is effective, efficient, integrated, comprehensive and sustainable.
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