Signing of the MoU between BPS-KPI and BPS-Kompas - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Regency

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Signing of the MoU between BPS-KPI and BPS-Kompas

Signing of the MoU between BPS-KPI and BPS-Kompas

March 13, 2019 | Other Activities

Palembang - "Hoaks and fake news can only be overcome with accurate data," said Ninuk Mardiana Pambudy, Chief Editor of Kompas Daily who attended the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between BPS-Kompas and BPS-Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) in the middle in the middle of the provincial BPS meeting meeting in Indonesia, (21/2).

The collaboration between the three credible institutions is based on the dynamics of society in the context of digital media. "The existence of BPS is very vital. BPS data can calculate the benchmarks of Indonesia's problems, including broadcasting. We must try to convey the truth. With BPS data, it will help KPI make policies. BPS, a valid institution especially for broadcasting data, for explicit broadcast mapping," said Yuliandre Darwis, Chair of the KPI.

For Kompas itself, the cooperation that is established is one of them is to make Kompas a media partner in the implementation of the 2020 Population Census (SP2020). "This is in line with Kompas' journalism principle, which is precision data and data-driven journalism. If we (BPS and Kompas, red) have been criticized by two parties, it means we have presented objective facts. Since 1971, Kompas has presented news about the Population Census, "Ninuk explained.

For BPS itself, this collaboration has a strategic meaning. "By cooperating with KPI and Kompas, what is released by BPS will be echoed to the public. Hopefully, BPS will be able to find various ways for BPS products to be more attractive," concluded Kecuk.
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