BPS MoU-Ministry of Environment and Forestry - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Regency

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BPS MoU-Ministry of Environment and Forestry

BPS MoU-Ministry of Environment and Forestry

January 25, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - Conservation of biodiversity and efforts to address deforestation and forest degradation are crucial for Indonesia, which is one of the lungs of the world. "A foothold for maintaining the quality of Indonesia's forests," said Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto while giving a speech at the "Dissemination of Indonesia's Forest and Forestry Status in 2018" which was followed by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) BPS and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK ), (21/1).

The BPS routinely issues data related to environmental and forestry statistics, such as Indonesian Environmental Statistics, Sea and Coastal Data Source Statistics, Village Potential, and Environmental Indifference Behavior Index (IPKLH). "From the publications, it can be seen the government's achievements in preserving the environment. But there is still homework, for example the Indonesian IPKLH of 0.51 (close to 1 indicates the higher level of environmental indifference in the region, red), meaning that public awareness of the environment needs to be improved. "Kecuk said. "The signing of this MoU will support the KLHK's duty to protect the environment and maintain a balance of life in nature. And by using KLHK data, BPS can develop environmental pillar SDGs indicators," Kecuk added.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya expressed his appreciation to the BPS staff for the cooperation that has been established so far. "I welcome, and feel free, only BPS to access (KLHK data, red) to support policy making," he said. In addition to working with BPS, the publication of Indonesia's Forest and Forestry Status 2018 was also assisted by FAO and the Norwegian Embassy. "The presence of BPS is very important to provide the right value or format for how the figure is presented in the public. Our commitment is to do something good for our planet," concluded Siti
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